Wednesday, July 18, 2012

About Me

My name is Ryne Colquitt and when I do something, I do it right. How I do it is has an expectation of perfection. I make it a demand for myself to put everything into my work so everyone can see the passion that I give for people to enjoy. My creativity and drive set me apart from everyone else and that what makes me the best in my field of design. I strive to make sure the customers’ needs come first, by doing that I find that my creativity comes out more fluently and genuinely. I’ve created many things in my life and to this day seeing the customer’s joy and happiness for a final project is the most valuable thing to me.  I want to be able to know that once im done with the customers project he will come back for more if that be websites, mobile apps, web apps or codes for a program. I was raised with the motive that to be successful you have to love what you’re doing and therefore I really enjoy what I am doing , I have learned the unknown language of code and I am here to spread my knowledge and destroy the fear that people have when they are creating a website for their business or personal life, anything goes when you decide to allow me to make your project.

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