Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Week One EOC: Great Customer Service
 I currently work at New Balance Running Shoes and for the past year I have learned an incredible amount  about customer service, first of all to give good customer service you have to really understand the customer. You have to take into consideration of who they are and what they like, for instance this one day at work I had a Hispanic male that came into the store. By looks he didn’t look wealthy and he didn’t speak much English, he came up to me and in the English he did know he asked for my help. We walked around the store and I showed him where everything was. He pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket and it had a list of things he had to get. One by one I helped him but the best part about all of this was he was a genuine guy and he was having a good time in Vegas. After a while of shopping he got so comfortable with me and my knowledge of the product I was selling that he would just walk around to everything I talked about and grab it so he could have it, clothes, shoes, laces, inserts, accessories he was buying everything I recommended. At the end of the transaction it came up to about 600$ or so and pulled out the money like it wasn’t even a problem, it impressed me that he didn’t even ask for a discount even though I did give him 15% off. After I checked him out he asked for a piece of paper and a pen and asked if anyone spoke Spanish, I said that my manager speaks fluent Spanish and he continued to write a paragraph in Spanish. When he was done I got my manager to translate it and it said that I gave him the best customer service he has ever had.  

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