Wednesday, August 29, 2012


With every idea that is coming out for how to make a difference its easy to come up with a major idea that can do all that and more. From Kotler & Sons"Broad mission leads to a hierarchy of objectives, including business objectives and marketing objectives"The main objectives of is to do exactly what the project is, make a difference in someones life. I've seen a lot of my close friends and even myself go through this and when you're at a low where nothing seems fun anymore, you need help. No one on this entire planet should feel this way and thats one of the main objectives of this site. The goal of this is to be able to let users channel their bad energy out in words and let people that are going through very similar things read and tell you how they are getting through this. I know that when i was going through depression it was hard for me to be able to talk about it because I was blind to think that other people might be going through the same thing. Another objective is to allow people talk about experiences of their life. Mainly for the elderly because their voice is rarely heard now a days and it shouldn't be that way. In the textbook of Kotler & Sons "This mission is then turned into detailed supporting objectives that guide the whole company" My uncle told me that when ever a elderly person tells you about their life, grab a pen and paper so you always remember what they said. I took that to heart and thats what drives me whenever I have the chance to talk about life with someone. Everyones life is important and deserves to be heard.

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