Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The price for my product is totally 100% free. Throughout all of this their isn't a doubt in my mind that would think otherwise, this site is to only help people. If people want to donate to the cause then they do on their own. We will never put a price on this, it would be very wrong to do so. To prove how important price is to us and everyone else, read this from the printed page 13 "The major marketing mix tools are classified into four broad groups, called the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. To deliver on its value proposition". Price is important to us, so important we made it free. From printed page 79 "Rather than offering high quality at a high price, or lesser quality at very low prices, marketers in all industries are looking for ways to offer today’s more financially cautious buyers greater value—just the right combination of product quality and good service at a fair price." Even though it is free we strive to make sure the value you will receive is the same value that mercedes benz offers to their customers when they sell their cars. 

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