Wednesday, August 29, 2012


From the printed page 11 from the book, is the definition of how consumers feel about products and promotions "The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort." The way that this site is going to promote itself is by getting an angel investor to invest $50,000 in the company. After doing so me and some others from the team will travel the county to mainly retirement homes and any other organization that can provide us with users. Like I said before, everyone is the target audience. The plan is to find atleast 100 people from each state to make an account, after all that is done we will have 5,000 users that will making posts and telling their friends about this. Each person probably has a Facebook and twitter so it will be very easy after this point to get our website going. On printed page 11 "The selling concept takes an inside-out perspective. It starts with the factory, focuses on the company’s existing products, and calls for heavy selling and promotion to obtain profitable sales." Basically to say the website will be our factory and we will have workers working day in and day out to make sure that everything being posted is safe and enjoyable for everyone else. 

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